Friday, March 14, 2014

1 Month From Now..... training plan officially starts.  And now that I have an impoved pc, I can actually continue to post on here. 

To say I'm not nervous to get going is completely untrue.  I'm more than ready to start the training plan, and more than ready to commit to an actual plan, but perhaps I'm still in shock and awe of the whole thing to begin with.  Time to get over that crap, right? 

So what have I been up to?  Well, winter weight was added over the holidays, as always.  So my plan, along with my wife's, was to improve diet, and get into a better routine with working out. 

Diet - Well we always loved protein shakes in the morning, and then real food in the evening.  So we took this a step further, and were introduced to a very clean organic whey protein, along with a 'cleanse' product (don't get the wrong idea), as the focus was to drop a few pounds before really getting into the meat and potatoes of the training.  And, we are really trying to avoid gluten!  That is very challenging to say the least!  We have had excellent results over the past couple months, and I am about 10 pounds away from the lowest I've been in all of my training the past 4+ years.  We are feeling great, and ready to roll.

My wife kicked off her training plan about two weeks ago, and so far so good! 

April 22nd, is the date for me.  So I am ramping up the workouts now, listening to my body and not over doing it.  There will be plenty of time to get bored with training this hurry on that.

Swimming:  I have been maintain 2 swims per week, averaging about 2500-3000 yards per workout.  It has been fun to mix up the workouts between long steady swims, and some interval sets.  This will continue once I get in the plan, of course with an increase in yardage.  I have noticed an issue with my right arm while swimming, as my hand and arm are extending down a bit more on my entry.  This is common on the breathing side, but something I am consciously working on.  In a 4200 yard swim, efficiency is the name of the game.  I have been doing some research on swim times for IMWI.  It seems like if a person can break an hour on the swim, they are in some pretty good company.  I think I could potentially swim that time, but I fear blowing out in order to do it, and that does not equate to a good race for the remainder of the day.  We'll see where the training takes me and some time trials.

Bike:  Well.....I got tired of my 1.5 in a 58cm, as I was not comfortable, very extended, and frankly, desperate for some help.  So...I did some shopping, and got a great fit on a new 2011 SC 7.5, all decked out.  I'm very excited to get this out on the road and see what 'we' can do!  In addition, I have continued to do the 20 week winter training through Emery's, our local bike shop.  My wattage has increased a TON.  It was an eye opening experience to know just how weak my legs were before.  Though clearly still a below average power cyclist, I know I have improved and will continue to in time.  It's been fun, 4 weeks to go, then onto the training plan!  Good times ahead!

Run:  Back in the Kayano's!  And loving them.  Sorry Newton's, my running form isn't going to change...that much.  I have been maintaining at least two runs per week, 1 of the interval/negative split variety over 3-4 miles, and the second is a steady pace 6-8 mile run.  Hmm, mixed feelings here.  I think as the weather improves, and I get outside more, I will feel better.  I'm nervous with how my running feels right now, but I am also comparing that to my marathon training from a year ago, which I was exclusively training for.  Big difference.

Other news:  The Donks have created and ordered new jerseys for 2014, which I had the pleasure of designing and taking on the ordering task!  It's been fun, but will be glad when it's all over.  Look out for the Crazy donkey bright new colors!

And because we don't have enough going on in our lives, why not add in remodeling of our house, which we are slowing getting done on our own.  It's been interesting, but I really hope to have this behind us before the plan kicks off, or I fear we won't finish.

Last but not least, our kids are kicking off the baseball season shortly, oh, soccer too, and silly me, I couldn't stay away from coaching, again.  This time, 2 teams.  Assistance status though.

Anyhow, glad to back on here, and looking forward to the days, weeks, and months ahead! 

Less than six months away! 

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