Monday, September 23, 2013

The Highs and Lows of a Weekend

It's another Monday.....and the Packers lost yesterday.  Yes, I'm one of 'those guys', who follow each and every play the Packers.  There is always something a bit 'off' when the Packers lose.

Anywhooooo.  The weekend was....interesting shall we say.  Unfortunately.....or perhaps fortunately, my weekend started a bit early, as one of my son's became ill, so I had the afternoon off, home with him.  This provided a great opportunity to get on the bike for a couple hours via the trainer. 

I know it's only September and the weather is still decent, but my wife and I both have discovered that getting outside to bike with younger children just doesn't work for us.  So...we have the trainer.  I cannot recommend this piece of equipment enough to each and every person that does triathlon, or cycling in general.  The hours that are logged here are priceless, and in turn allow for a solid base of biking leading into next season. 

Saturday was a family day, full of football and home projects, which didn't allow for a workout.  I was bummed about this, but sometimes I need to just put it aside, and deal with the project at hand. 

Sunday though, we had a great Church service, with a well known singer by the name of Peter Eide.  It was very enlightning, and I truly appreciate a good service.  Sticking with our Sunday routine, we all get out to the YMCA, and we did the swim and the boys while my wife swam and vice versa.

I felt better in the pool yesterday, so things are coming together.  My arms we doing well, more lively.  My breathing....mehhh, not so good.  Things felt tight, and each breath felt uncoordinated.  This happens everyonce in awhile, so I'm not concerned about it.  Swimming is my gig, so it will be fine.  Stay the course, monitor my stroke count per lap (16-18 is my happy place) and keep working it.

Things coming up:  I have no schedules races in the near future....which I'm okay with.  Last year, I did a marathon in May, so my training was very run focused for a several months prior.  My running vastly improved, but my biking turned for the worse.  So I'm really focusing on staying balanced with my workouts, seeking improvement in perceived exertion, and listening to my body.  This is the time build my core and my base......and not get to crazy worried about race specific type training.  There will be plenty of that in 2014. 

I still struggle with the idea that I actually signed up for IMWI.  Almost, an 'awe shucks' type of feel to it.  One of my concerns continues to be my wife and kids on race day.  There is a boat load of logistics she will need to navigate through for the day.  Food, tired kids, keeping track of me (she still is my biggest fan), as well as any other friends and relatives that may be around.  She claims she isn't worried about it, but I can't ignore it.  I want them to be safe and happy...first and foremost.  We have some great Donkey friends that will be there as well, who have done IMWI a couple times.  I am willing to bet they are going to pitch in and help as well....just like they always do.  Thank you all in advance. 

Well anyhow.....stay the course, and get over the humps of a weird weekend. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

First Swim

So you know how I might have mentioned I slacked off since my last race in July (sans a brief panic workout prior to a Duathlon Relay - which I choked on)?  Well, yesterday, Sunday, was a great opportuntity for our family to get back into our Sunday Routine.  A couple years ago we began doing this routine on Sunday mornings:  Church at 8:00 (AM folks, stick with me here), then head to the Y after and swim.  What is really cool about this is, the Y has a family pool area with a zero depth for the younger boys, and of course the lap pool.  So my wife and I would switch off watching the boys while the other would get their swim training in.  The kids had a blast at the same time, got some exercise, AND....we'd be home by noon to watch football!!! 

Well yesterday was the first time back in the pool since July.  Expectations were realistic....see how I feel and go from there.  It's WAY too early in the IMWI 2014 year to panic over silly little things as this.  So my wife swam first, and my boys wanted to hang out in the lap pool area, after they did their "swim test" with the lifeguard.  This was a great opportunity to work on technique with my wife, and she was really doing well in the water!  WAY TO GO!!!!  She's planning on doing a HIM this next season, so her swimming needs to improve a bit.  She's aware of it, and is willing to work hard on it. 

After she got done, it was my turn.  I had planned to swim a mile today, just to 'get my feet wet' (it's okay...laugh, that was funny right there).   The 500 yard warm up, which I typically build in pace showed exactly what I thought.  Cardio is A OK.....but my arms were not ready for this.  My technique was getting slopping because of it, so time to change up the plan.  I went to 10 x 50 on 20 second rest....nothing too hard, but wanted a nice consistant workout to keep my arms moving.  It turns out I started off around 45-50/50 meters for the first 5, and was able to drop this to 40 seconds/50 on the final 5....and feeling pretty good.

I finished up with a 750 steady swim, throwing in some breaststroke when my arms were fatiguing, but maintaining my motto of "just keep swimming, swimming swimming...."  (Thanks Dory!). 

All and all, it felt okay.  I know I need about 6 consistant swims to get back to feeling better.

My body is feeling a change with the recent workouts, things are coming back, so that's a good thing.  I just need to stay consistant and keep my eye on the prize. 

So, I just thought of something that comes up a lot with training plans and swimming.  A lot of plans have swim work outs that get rather complex.  Novice swimmers don't understand this stuff.  Sure, go join a Master's Swim group......easier said than done.  Being a swimming since the age of 6, I would like to think that I have some insight into this component of I'm going to share. 

1.  Technique - I whole heartedly agree that good technique in swimming is the most important component.  Find someone that knows this, and can help a person out.
2.  Early swim workouts - THIS is the time to work on technique, and use those elaborate sets.  A nice 500 meter warm up.  Follow that with a ladder of 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 500, 200, 150, 100, 75, 50, 25.  Then put in a 5 x 100, and finish with a 400 cool down.  That's the time to do it. 
3.  Summer or 'in season' Swim Workouts - When you are getting to the peak workout season, nearing those races - this is the chance to do long swims.  I'm talking about something like this:  500 warm up.  1500 x 3 main set, 500 cool down.  Here's why:  You are thinking 'race ready' at this point.  Go long, and when you get fatigued, focus on your technique and know what is feels like.  Compensate, refocus and get through it.  Come race won't have the option of stopping the 'set', you need to know how it's going to feel, and get through it. 

I am a FOP swimming, and I am really shooting for about 1:00 to 1:05 at IMWI next year.  I'd love to break an hour, but we'll see how my swimming goes.  I also don't want to blow out in the swim either. thoughts for the day.  I won't get into the brutal hill workout my wife suckered me into on Saturday either....but the benefits were great...thanks babe!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Keeping in Touch with Family

Another day of the week whipping past, and as we all deal with on a daily basis, it's the constant battle of maintaining that balance of family, work, social, and training aspects.  Perhaps this is a good though, it more or less 'keeps us on our toes'. 

Last night for instance, was a great example of how my wife and I have learned to include our training into our family's events.  Our oldest had a Cross Country Meet last night....his first ever I might add.  Well obviously we wanted to be there for it.  So, let's do a little coordination of schedules and see how we can do this. 

Easy enough, I was able to get home from work, change quickly and run the 3 or so miles (based on time) to the meet.  My wife, who gets done with work after me typically, was able to drive there right from work, and we happened to run into each other as we were cheering on our oldest. 

Being his first CC Meet, and mine too for that matter, there were some struggles with logistics....certainly not his attitude.  We were so very proud of his run, and his improvement.  Everyday he comes home from practice and announces his improvement, AND how much better he is feeling.  To see that genuine excitement is his eyes and smile....priceless.  Cheers to a great start and continued individual success.

Okay, so...our son finishes his meet, and time to run home.  I took the long route, and my legs said enough after a couple miles.  They were just fatigued from running, biking and lifting this be expected. 

So I got home, and my wife was changing and getting ready to head out running, and get this, with our two younger boys who are going to bike with her.  Boom.....success!  We all got our workouts in, more or less to the quality we wanted, and our kids were involved and enjoying. 

Many people have told us we are crazy for working out and competing the way we do because, "'s so time consuming!"   YEP, it is....BUT, you can make it work with your family and include them in ways 'outside the box'.  One of our boys favorite things to do is go to the park near our house while we run a monster hill.  They are happy, we are doing our thing, and more times than not, they end up joining us.

The point being, IM Training is going to take time out of my life....I'm not dumb to that point.  But I will find a way to incorporate my training into our lives, with some sacrifices along the way.  Add in the benefit of having a GINORMOUS amount of PTO time which will be used next summer during my peak training, and this can and will happen. 

Team Work....begins in each family.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Getting a Plan in Mind

It's now a couple day's post-IMWI 2014 registeration, and yep, still in the shock stage of things.  Being the Type A kind of person, along with my wife I might add, I have spent quite a bit of time in the past day putting thoughts down on paper on what my goals are for the next week, month, several months etc. 

First and foremost, I needed to get back at working out.  After my 1/2 Iron in July, I found every excuse in the book not to work out, and it showed.  I gained quite a bit of weight and lost my Tri fit quickly.  Over the course of the past week I started getting back on the bike and running, and it isn't good....BUT...I am noticing improvement, which is encouraging.

Last night I went to the YMCA, a place that has NOT been in my life for a couple months.  I jumped on a treadmill and knocked out 2 miles, and physically felt fine.  Mentally?  BORED.  I forgot just how boring treadmills are.  No worries, though, I just finished the run on the track, another 2 miles, and was really focusing on keeping my eyes up, focused forward, and my core upright and tight.  Good run, great sweat.  Now, time to hit the weights.

My events this past year seemed to have been dogged by poor biking during my events.  I didn't log as many miles this year as last year, and, unfortunately, my eating habits contributed to several extra pounds.  The result:  Fat man on a little bike....bad juju. 

So in an effort to get more lean mass, I am going to combine some high rep weight lifting into my training plan.  I have a 'thick' body type to begin with, so I was always concerned about lifting and turning into that NFL Linebacker.  But with plenty of research done, I think it is more than possible to lean up.  So yes, I worked my legs and core and arms, things that should contribute to better overall fit.  Felt great too.

Well, today is my off day for working out, which was planned.  I wanted to see how I felt after lifting, and I am happy to report, just minor soreness.  One of my sons has football practice tonight right after a doctor visit, so there just won't be any time to workout this evening.  Thursday though...yep, time to get after it again.

Nutrician:  My wife and I made an agreement:  1.  No ETOH consumption during the week.   2.  No snacking after dinner.  If we get hungry, we drink more water, and 3.  Clean up our meals and eat more salads, loaded with proteins.  Stay away from Carbs.  I have not weighed myself, mostly out of fear, but I can tell clothes are fitting better already just in a couple days.  I have the ability to lose (and gain) weight quickly, so losing 10 in a week is certainly possible.  Perhaps I'll actually get on a scale next week just to further motivate me. 

That's it for now though! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Let's Do This!

And so it begins.....the next 'chapter' in my life.  I recall walking down a hallway with a coworker several years ago when I began doing Sprint Triathlons and stating I had absolutely ZERO intention to ever do a Full Ironman...afterall, that was just pure craziness.  Well after witnessing last year's (2012) IMWI event, I knew my heart had changed.  The stars weren't aligned last year to make it happen, and in hindsight, that WAS the best thing.  But this year...yep, the stars are where they need to be, so let's pull the trigger on this.

This year's IMWI, my wife and I volunteered in the Transition Bag Drop, which took place on Saturday from 10-3.  I wanted to see what the transition looked like, how things were organized, just to get a feel for things.  Incredible logistics for this race.  It was also a great opportunity to talk with many of the racers and help calm their fears a bit, just by providing them a mental picture of what the transition 'flow' was going to be.  That being said, it was also a great opportunity to recall faces come race day!

Sunday rolls around and the racers do their I continue to dream of 2014.....and then I wake up early Monday morning, and it was time to head to Monona Terrace to get registered.

My wife kept me company, and I can honestly say she is my biggest fan and my source for passion.  That woman is so strong, I can feel her love every breath I take. 

So in the conference room we go, up to a table and begin the registration process.  "I have to ask you this question, 'Do you really want to do this'?" inquired the awesome volunteer.  HOLY SMOKES....I'm at the alter again.  My reply:  "I do!".  Couldn't help it.  Followed by, "I'm tired of being half crazy, time to be totally crazy!", which garnished several smiles from others around us.  It was done...confirmation email was sent.  IMWI 2014.....IT'S ON!

The rest of the day was spent packing up the camper and heading back home, which was amazingly early in the day.  So...with the kids still in school, the Mrs. and I took advantage of the time and got out on the bikes for a nice 20 mile spin.  It was HOT out, but I was full of energy. 

I look forward to the next year of training and, frankly, getting my health back in order.  I've been slacking the past year, and it all changes now.  I would like to lose about 30 pounds in the process and get my fitness level back to peak.  I will be done.  I CAN do this. 

I look forward to continuing the documentation of my journey, the peaks and valleys that are sure to come, with the hopes of recalling everything along the way.  Stay tuned!!!!