Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Getting a Plan in Mind

It's now a couple day's post-IMWI 2014 registeration, and yep, still in the shock stage of things.  Being the Type A kind of person, along with my wife I might add, I have spent quite a bit of time in the past day putting thoughts down on paper on what my goals are for the next week, month, several months etc. 

First and foremost, I needed to get back at working out.  After my 1/2 Iron in July, I found every excuse in the book not to work out, and it showed.  I gained quite a bit of weight and lost my Tri fit quickly.  Over the course of the past week I started getting back on the bike and running, and it isn't good....BUT...I am noticing improvement, which is encouraging.

Last night I went to the YMCA, a place that has NOT been in my life for a couple months.  I jumped on a treadmill and knocked out 2 miles, and physically felt fine.  Mentally?  BORED.  I forgot just how boring treadmills are.  No worries, though, I just finished the run on the track, another 2 miles, and was really focusing on keeping my eyes up, focused forward, and my core upright and tight.  Good run, great sweat.  Now, time to hit the weights.

My events this past year seemed to have been dogged by poor biking during my events.  I didn't log as many miles this year as last year, and, unfortunately, my eating habits contributed to several extra pounds.  The result:  Fat man on a little bike....bad juju. 

So in an effort to get more lean mass, I am going to combine some high rep weight lifting into my training plan.  I have a 'thick' body type to begin with, so I was always concerned about lifting and turning into that NFL Linebacker.  But with plenty of research done, I think it is more than possible to lean up.  So yes, I worked my legs and core and arms, things that should contribute to better overall fit.  Felt great too.

Well, today is my off day for working out, which was planned.  I wanted to see how I felt after lifting, and I am happy to report, just minor soreness.  One of my sons has football practice tonight right after a doctor visit, so there just won't be any time to workout this evening.  Thursday though...yep, time to get after it again.

Nutrician:  My wife and I made an agreement:  1.  No ETOH consumption during the week.   2.  No snacking after dinner.  If we get hungry, we drink more water, and 3.  Clean up our meals and eat more salads, loaded with proteins.  Stay away from Carbs.  I have not weighed myself, mostly out of fear, but I can tell clothes are fitting better already just in a couple days.  I have the ability to lose (and gain) weight quickly, so losing 10 in a week is certainly possible.  Perhaps I'll actually get on a scale next week just to further motivate me. 

That's it for now though! 

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