Friday, September 13, 2013

Keeping in Touch with Family

Another day of the week whipping past, and as we all deal with on a daily basis, it's the constant battle of maintaining that balance of family, work, social, and training aspects.  Perhaps this is a good though, it more or less 'keeps us on our toes'. 

Last night for instance, was a great example of how my wife and I have learned to include our training into our family's events.  Our oldest had a Cross Country Meet last night....his first ever I might add.  Well obviously we wanted to be there for it.  So, let's do a little coordination of schedules and see how we can do this. 

Easy enough, I was able to get home from work, change quickly and run the 3 or so miles (based on time) to the meet.  My wife, who gets done with work after me typically, was able to drive there right from work, and we happened to run into each other as we were cheering on our oldest. 

Being his first CC Meet, and mine too for that matter, there were some struggles with logistics....certainly not his attitude.  We were so very proud of his run, and his improvement.  Everyday he comes home from practice and announces his improvement, AND how much better he is feeling.  To see that genuine excitement is his eyes and smile....priceless.  Cheers to a great start and continued individual success.

Okay, so...our son finishes his meet, and time to run home.  I took the long route, and my legs said enough after a couple miles.  They were just fatigued from running, biking and lifting this be expected. 

So I got home, and my wife was changing and getting ready to head out running, and get this, with our two younger boys who are going to bike with her.  Boom.....success!  We all got our workouts in, more or less to the quality we wanted, and our kids were involved and enjoying. 

Many people have told us we are crazy for working out and competing the way we do because, "'s so time consuming!"   YEP, it is....BUT, you can make it work with your family and include them in ways 'outside the box'.  One of our boys favorite things to do is go to the park near our house while we run a monster hill.  They are happy, we are doing our thing, and more times than not, they end up joining us.

The point being, IM Training is going to take time out of my life....I'm not dumb to that point.  But I will find a way to incorporate my training into our lives, with some sacrifices along the way.  Add in the benefit of having a GINORMOUS amount of PTO time which will be used next summer during my peak training, and this can and will happen. 

Team Work....begins in each family.

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