So you know how I might have mentioned I slacked off since my last race in July (sans a brief panic workout prior to a Duathlon Relay - which I choked on)? Well, yesterday, Sunday, was a great opportuntity for our family to get back into our Sunday Routine. A couple years ago we began doing this routine on Sunday mornings: Church at 8:00 (AM folks, stick with me here), then head to the Y after and swim. What is really cool about this is, the Y has a family pool area with a zero depth for the younger boys, and of course the lap pool. So my wife and I would switch off watching the boys while the other would get their swim training in. The kids had a blast at the same time, got some exercise, AND....we'd be home by noon to watch football!!!
Well yesterday was the first time back in the pool since July. Expectations were realistic....see how I feel and go from there. It's WAY too early in the IMWI 2014 year to panic over silly little things as this. So my wife swam first, and my boys wanted to hang out in the lap pool area, after they did their "swim test" with the lifeguard. This was a great opportunity to work on technique with my wife, and she was really doing well in the water! WAY TO GO!!!! She's planning on doing a HIM this next season, so her swimming needs to improve a bit. She's aware of it, and is willing to work hard on it.
After she got done, it was my turn. I had planned to swim a mile today, just to 'get my feet wet' (it's okay...laugh, that was funny right there). The 500 yard warm up, which I typically build in pace showed exactly what I thought. Cardio is A OK.....but my arms were not ready for this. My technique was getting slopping because of it, so time to change up the plan. I went to 10 x 50 on 20 second rest....nothing too hard, but wanted a nice consistant workout to keep my arms moving. It turns out I started off around 45-50/50 meters for the first 5, and was able to drop this to 40 seconds/50 on the final 5....and feeling pretty good.
I finished up with a 750 steady swim, throwing in some breaststroke when my arms were fatiguing, but maintaining my motto of "just keep swimming, swimming swimming...." (Thanks Dory!).
All and all, it felt okay. I know I need about 6 consistant swims to get back to feeling better.
My body is feeling a change with the recent workouts, things are coming back, so that's a good thing. I just need to stay consistant and keep my eye on the prize.
So, I just thought of something that comes up a lot with training plans and swimming. A lot of plans have swim work outs that get rather complex. Novice swimmers don't understand this stuff. Sure, go join a Master's Swim group......easier said than done. Being a swimming since the age of 6, I would like to think that I have some insight into this component of I'm going to share.
1. Technique - I whole heartedly agree that good technique in swimming is the most important component. Find someone that knows this, and can help a person out.
2. Early swim workouts - THIS is the time to work on technique, and use those elaborate sets. A nice 500 meter warm up. Follow that with a ladder of 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 500, 200, 150, 100, 75, 50, 25. Then put in a 5 x 100, and finish with a 400 cool down. That's the time to do it.
3. Summer or 'in season' Swim Workouts - When you are getting to the peak workout season, nearing those races - this is the chance to do long swims. I'm talking about something like this: 500 warm up. 1500 x 3 main set, 500 cool down. Here's why: You are thinking 'race ready' at this point. Go long, and when you get fatigued, focus on your technique and know what is feels like. Compensate, refocus and get through it. Come race won't have the option of stopping the 'set', you need to know how it's going to feel, and get through it.
I am a FOP swimming, and I am really shooting for about 1:00 to 1:05 at IMWI next year. I'd love to break an hour, but we'll see how my swimming goes. I also don't want to blow out in the swim either. thoughts for the day. I won't get into the brutal hill workout my wife suckered me into on Saturday either....but the benefits were great...thanks babe!
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